Superior Customer Experience

Vision 2025 / Our Vision for 2025 / Superior Customer Experience

Customer relationships span a lifetime and are supported by access to accurate, real-time, and secure information and services

In 2025, we are focused on our customer's experience over their lifetime. Enabled by technology and our employees, our customers have real-time access and customer engagement when and where they need us. Customer choice of where and how they receive service is important. Wage earners, retirees, survivors, and individuals with disabilities and their loved ones come to our agency seeking immediate assistance, care, and help. Other customers, including employers, businesses, non-profits, advocates, oversight groups and other stakeholders, also require our attention and support.

We actively listen to all of our customers, and we rely on secure, accurate, real-time information and analytics to better understand our customers' preferences. Through this understanding, we respond to and anticipate our customers' needs, and thoughtfully craft appropriate service options. To create a superior customer experience in 2025, we provide customer choice, personalized service, customer-centric technology, accurate information, and secure systems.

Customer Choice
In 2025, we provide highly-personalized interactions and tailored services to our customers at their point of need and in real-time. Our customers have choices in terms of when, where, and how they receive services. We satisfy an inter-generational customer base with a range of preferences in technology and interactions, by offering a variety of service delivery methods, such as in-person at our field and hearing offices, on the phone, over real-time video or chat, or by self-service, to complete their business. We interact responsively with our customers face-to-face, in written communications, and through digital alternatives for connecting customers to our employees for assistance.
Personalized Services
We present information and appropriate service options to customers based on their needs, preferences, and relationship with our agency. Regardless of which service method they select, customers can always obtain personalized help and support. Our services are accessible to our customers regardless of language and disability. Our customer communications are written in plain language and clear, and help is always within reach. We analyze customer needs, expectations, and experiences to understand their unique requirements and preferred methods of communication. We provide a personalized experience to our customers – fully meeting their expectations.
Customer-Centric Technology
Our customers have choices in when and where they access to our services. For those customers who choose self-service options, we design our technology to support the ultimate goal of providing a seamless, superior customer experience across all methods of contact. From better computer-telephone integration to systems designed around our customers as individuals – not as cases or claims – we invest in the right technology to better understand our customer's life journey and create the personalized, relevant and efficient experience customers need. We prioritize our technology investments based on customer needs, ease of use, and improving access to our services, and work to eliminate antiquated systems.
Accurate Information
Our customers expect a high level of performance and accuracy in their interactions with Social Security services. When customers access their data or when they interact with our employees, they can rest assured that their information is accurate, safeguarded from theft or fraud, and is up-to-date, thus enabling the best, real-time decisions regarding their benefits.
Secure Systems
Our customers are confident their personal information is protected, no matter which method of service they select. We incorporate leading cybersecurity practices and real-time identity verification into all technology and systems. With the right technologies and permissions in place, our customers and employees conduct business seamlessly and securely. We vigilantly monitor our systems for specific network vulnerabilities, threats, and larger-scale events in our digital environment as part of our cybersecurity strategy, and we are able to quickly address weaknesses and prevent cyber intrusions.

"Social Security needs to let me apply and check the status of my case online. That would speed up wait times at your office and on the phone when I have a question and need to talk to a person."
- Social Security Customer

"SSA should provide helpful, integrated, and personalized services that meet the needs of customers, each and every time they contact SSA."
- Social Security Advocate